Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Also, It's COMPtroller, Not CONtroller

Newly installed Dem crony State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli was blitzed with some basic financial questions in a Great Neck diner by the New York Post the other day, and proved he knew very little about the job that he was about to occupy.

There were several other questions, unpublished until now, that Tom was unable to answer correctly:

1. Which president is on the two-dollar bill?
2. What is the capital of New York?
3. What's so great about Great Neck?
4. Where have Shelly Silver and Joe Bruno buried their scruples?
5. Did Alan Hevesi's wife ever offer to pay for gas while she was being chauffeured around?
6. Deal...or no deal?
7. Which president is on the three-dollar bill? (TRICK QUESTION!)
8. After you finish your meal here, how much do you plan to tip?
9. Does anyone have smaller eyes than Governor Spitzer?
10. Who's a bigger crook: Hevesi or Bruno?
11. Did Tom Suozzi really offer to arm-wrestle you for the Nassau County Exec nomination?
12. How many pennies am I holding in my left hand?
13. If Governor Spitzer were allowed to spend five minutes in a locked room with Shelly Silver, no questions asked, what would happen?


Anonymous said...

No, sir, you're the DUNCE. You must be a NYPOST reader. That makes you a DUNCE.

LongIslandNation said...
