Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The House Should Get Its Own Zip Code and Mayor

In yet another shining example of the housing situation in Nassau, village inspectors found a Hempstead house that held 28 people.

Next door they found a house with a even worse situation. According to officials, it held:

Two single moms
One old guy
Two Bengali tigers
The Harlem Globetrotters
Three of Bill Clinton's mistresses
A dozen illegal aliens looking for contruction work
Five cans of Pringles
An Iranian nuclear power plant
Three fugitives featured on "America's Most Wanted"
Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so many of my neighbors made the move to various locations of long island. (so i've heard)
just the other day i went to green acres mall and within the 3 hrs i was there i bumped into practically all of them.
turns out my former neighbors live within a block or 2 radius from eachother. and to think, their main reason for moving out of brooklyn was because they were tired of the neighborhood. yet, when the 1st one moved out, they came right back to tell everyone else how much better it is in long island. basically it caused a chain reaction. now that they're all gone, the neighborhood over here is alot more peaceful. thanks for moving.