Monday, December 11, 2006

Stay Tuned for "The Return of Crookhaven"!

What a blast from the past. Remember that Brookhaven politician/crook (we know: in Brookhaven, "politician" and "crook" are usually synonymous) John Powell? The guy ran the Suffolk GOP until he went to jail for stuff like being part of a stolen-truck ring and extortion, racketeering, and bribery — activities beneath the standards even of the Suffolk GOP.

Looks like his son is running for, uh, something. It's not quite clear, says Newsday's Rick Brand:

The rather imprecise message [on lawn signs all over Medford] states: "Anthony POWELL — an INDEPENDENT Voice for INDEPENDENT Voters."

Love the all-caps emphasis. Here are some other fun details about the son, Anthony. We mean, Anthony POWELL:
  1. He's 22 years old.
  2. He lives at home.
We don't know whether he has a job. Someone made 500 signs and 5,000 bumper stickers for this guy. When we were 22, we could barely afford to make 50 photocopies of our resume (which tells you how long it's been since we were 22. At least we're no longer living at home!)

His dad seems to have turned his life around; Brand notes that Powell pere quietly toils at a paving company, which is an honest place to work because OH SNAP LOOK WHAT NEWSDAY WROTE ON DECEMBER 6:

In a blistering new audit, Suffolk Comptroller Joseph Sawicki blasts purchasing practices at the county public works department, citing possible collusion among suppliers in cases in which bid specifications were narrow enough to give some vendors an "unfair competitive advantage." [This goes beyond] four leading Long Island road paving contractors indicted last year on federal charges of running an "asphalt cartel" that allegedly rigged millions of dollars in contracts in Suffolk and Brookhaven Town since 2003.

Can't wait to find out what this dude is running for!

Update: It must run in the family. We found another bit by Rick Brand that mentions that Anthony's mom had the $109,000 position of Deputy Commissioner of Jurors (whatever that is) until she was fired (for what, we don't know).

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