Thursday, September 14, 2006

Note to Self: Get Savings Account at JPMorgan Chase

A Syosset businessman and "life coach" was the recent lucky recipient of a $70,000 windfall transferred directly to his Chase savings account. The problem is, the money transfer was a banking error, the guy has withdrawn $58,000 of it already, and now the bank wants its dough back. Of course, the dude's lawyer is saying it was an honest error, that his client doesn't keep track of the large amounts of money filtering back and forth into the account, and that his refusal to return any of the bank's calls or letters does not mean he is guilty of any wrongdoing.

Sounds reasonable. Shit happens. But it's hard to give the guy the benefit of the doubt when you read a little further into the article and discover that this modern-day Matt Foley honed his motivational speaking skills and the life lessons he taps into in his coaching sessions IN JAIL while serving time for conspiracy to commit securities fraud. Sigh....

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